
In obedience to the Scriptures, we support several local and international ministries.

Matthew 28: 18-20

18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Meet Our Missionaries

CEF Central Alabama

Our Mission

Child Evangelism Fellowship® of Central Alabama desires to assist every Gospel-believing Church in Central Alabama to be fully engaged in reaching every child in every community in our area. Our mission is to equip and encourage our Gospel-believing volunteers to evangelize the boys and girls of Central Alabama with the gospel of Jesus Christ, to disciple them in the Word of God, and, through relationships, to connect them to the local Body of Christ.

A Moment with the Millers
Missionaries serving the
North Caribbean

We are missionaries with Child Evangelism Fellowship, the world’s largest children’s ministry! CEF has a national-run ministry in almost every nation of the world!

Specifically, we serve all throughout the English-speaking Caribbean. We directly serve with and alongside the regional director to serve the CEF staff, boards, and volunteers from countless local churches in 30+ nations. 

On a daily basis, we train, equip, and support national workers as they reach all of the children of their nation.

We pray that EVERY Caribbean island will be reaching their nation’s children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Christ Gospel Ministries,Inc


Mission Statement

At Christ Gospel Ministries, Inc., we firmly believe in and preach the Message of the Cross. Our mission is to equip church leaders in India with sound biblical theology and to establish strong generational churches and leaders who work together effectively to accomplish God’s mission.

Pastors in India need Bible and discipleship training. North American churches are uniquely positioned to offer these pastors leadership skills and resources. We collaborate with North American pastors who are willing to train Indian pastors and are eager to learn the Bible. Our organization, CGM, has developed a curriculum and courses, and we guide North American pastors on the best practices for training pastors from other countries.

Raul and Viviane Pacheco

Campus Outreach International
Auburn University
Campus Director

We are so excited to minister to international students at Auburn University! As Brazilians, we believe that relational evangelism and discipleship of Internationals will be a key strategy for God's Kingdom, because they will be sent back to their own countries as tent-maker missionaries.

Campus Outreach’s commitment to building laborers includes establishing them with Biblical theology, intimacy with God, Christ-like character, ministry skills, and stewardship.  Our desire is then to see students and staff mobilized to labor in the harvest field for the glory of God. 

Life on Wheels

Life on Wheels provides free, mobile ultrasound imaging to abortion-minded women. They use the power of ultrasound to serve women, save babies, and share Jesus. Life on Wheels serves hundreds of clients each year by administering pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. In 2021, they served 876 clients and since they began in December of 2016 in Montgomery, they have served 5,346 clients. This ministry has seen many women choose not to abort after seeing their baby on ultrasound. Life on Wheels has also seen many clients make professions of faith in Jesus Christ.

CEF of Alabama

Our Mission

Child Evangelism Fellowship® of Alabama desires to assist every Gospel-believing Church in Alabama to be fully engaged in reaching every child in every community in our area.

Our mission is to equip and encourage our Gospel-believing volunteers to evangelize the boys and girls of Alabama with the gospel of Jesus Christ, to disciple them in the Word of God, and, through relationships, to connect them to the local Body of Christ. Alabama has four active chapters across various regions in Alabama.

Every child, Every nation, Every day

“So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” – Matthew 18:14

Reformation Hope Haiti


The mission of Reformation Hope, Inc. is to bring Christ-centered transformation, opportunity, and hope to disadvantaged people all over the world through the application of Reformed Faith principles and material assistance, impacting orphanages and childcare, education, healthcare, food resources, water supply, and micro-enterprise business development.

“Where is Haiti’s hope being restored and who is God using to rebuild it? While the conditions throughout the country remain bleak, unstable, and discouraging to the casual observer or aid worker, the missionaries and ministers who continue to answer the call to serve in Haiti see instead a nation whom God has prepared to receive the certain hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Reformation Hope is committed to continuing the recovery of Hope in Haiti through advancing the Gospel, ministering mercy to immediate physical needs, and equipping the people of Haiti to sustain themselves in the future.”—excerpt from Hope for Haiti

Montgomery Christian School

Welcome to Montgomery Christian School

We offer an academically challenging education in a Christian environment to families with limited school choice.

We believe elementary school should provide a sound foundation in order to produce life-long learners. Our students receive instruction in the core curricular subjects as well as the arts.

Our teachers and staff are dedicated to teaching and training the whole child so that they will be contributing members in our school and in the community. Come by and see the exciting learning taking place every day at MCS!

Pamela McLemore
Executive Director

CEF North Alabama

Our Mission

Child Evangelism Fellowship® is an evangelical, Bible-centered mission whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living. Our mission is to make Forever Followers of Jesus Christ by partnering, equipping, and encouraging born-again believers in bringing the Gospel to children in their communities.

First Choice Women’s Medical Center

First Choice Women’s Medical Center in Montgomery and Wetumpka, Alabama provides free pregnancy services and information on abortion. We educate, support, and empower women facing unplanned pregnancies with compassionate and professional medical care.

First Choice provides free pregnancy testing, OB ultrasounds, parenting education, baby supplies, fatherhood programs, and abortion recovery and care.

Reformed University Fellowship International
Auburn University

Michael Alsup
Campus Director

Welcome to Auburn!

RUF-I is a Christian student organization that seeks to help international students through friendship and hospitality. Living in a foreign country can be difficult and lonely at times. We want to make your time in Auburn both enjoyable and beneficial. We host dinners, discussion groups, and activities to help international students meet others, experience American culture, and explore the Christian faith. As Christians, we believe it is our privilege to welcome others who are far away from their friends and families. Please email Michael Alsup for more information.
